Our goal is to provide a quality, caring service. Therefore if you have any concerns or suggestions please phone, write or email our Practice Manager or your doctor. We genuinely wish to hear from you. From time to time this practice invites patients to complete questionnaires on their views of the practice and how it could be improved. These surveys are completely confidential and help us improve our services.
We believe that problems are best dealt with through the practice. Indeed we want to know if you are concerned about any aspect of our service.
However, if you prefer to contact the Office of the Health Ombudsman for handling complaints, the address is PO Box 13281, George Street, Brisbane, Qld 4003 and the contact number is 133 646 (133 OHO).
Golden Beach Medical Centre runs an appointment system; however we do keep openings for emergencies. You can make an appointment with your doctor by phoning the surgery or online via Hot Doc’s. Urgent medical problems will be dealt with promptly. Appointments are made at 10 – 20 minute intervals. When making your appointment please advise staff if you need extra time.
Nobody likes to be kept waiting and we are all aware of this and try to adhere to appointment schedules. However, the unpredictable nature of medical practice means that doctors sometimes run behind time. This is mostly due to a patient requiring urgent medical attention. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused to patients when we fall behind with our appointment schedule.
If you no longer require your appointment, we would appreciate you calling to cancel so the time may be made available to other patients. Failure to do so, a minimum of 1 hour prior to your appointment, may incur a fee of $50.00 which is not claimable on Medicare.
If you are too unwell to attend the surgery and you are a regular patient of ours, a home visit may be arranged by notifying our reception staff. We also provide care for nursing home residents. Please inform staff at the surgery before 9:30am if possible.
Should you require medical attention after hours please telephone 137 425 for further information. Our after-hours medical services are held in conjunction with National Home Doctor Service who are a fully accredited service. Please check our opening hours prior to calling this service.
Doctors in this practice may be contacted by phone during surgery hours. A message will be taken if the doctor is with another patient and your call will be returned when the doctor is available.
In order to monitor your health and fulfill our ethical and legal responsibilities, we require that you attend your doctor for a consultation if you require further prescriptions and referrals. If your doctor is not available, another doctor in the practice may attend to your request. Any prescriptions provided, at the discretion of the doctor outside of a consultation, may incur a fee.
This practice is designed for wheelchair access. We have a wheelchair available if required. Should you have special needs please discuss them with your doctor.
As of 1 April 2025, we charge $105.00 for a standard consultation with a Medicare rebate of $42.85. A higher fee of $160.00 will be charged for a long consultation with a Medicare rebate of $82.90 and a prolonged consultation is $210.00 with a Medicare rebate of $122.15. There is an increased fee payable for weekend and/or afterhours (before 8am) consultations.
New patients are requested to pay the standard consult fee at the time of booking. Failing to attend the initial appointment (or cancelling with less than 1 hours’ notice) will result in the pre-paid consult fee being retained as a non-attendance fee.
Disclaimer: All fees are at the discretion of individual Doctors. Please be aware they may use their own Schedule of Fees that differ to the listed Standard Practice Fees. Contact reception on 5492 1044 if you have any queries.
We have in place a computerised recall and reminder system. You will be reminded to attend the surgery for an appointment if your doctor feels that it is appropriate.
We have a baby change table for use should you require to change your baby’s nappy. Please ask our reception staff to direct you to this facility.
Please do not hesitate to ask our reception team to order a taxi to and/or from the surgery should you require one. We also have a large car park which incorporates an ambulance bay, patient parking and cycle parking.
We do have access to a selection of brochures and leaflets. Should you require any of this information please ask your Doctor at the time of your consultation.
In accord with the Privacy Act (1988) all information collected in this practice is treated as “sensitive information”. To protect your privacy, this practice operates strictly in accordance with the Act.
We use this information you provide to manage your personal health care. We generally disclose selected information to various other health services involved in supporting your health care management (e.g. pathology, x-ray).
If you have any questions about how we handle your personal health information or need to arrange access to your records, please ask the Practice Manager or your doctor, as appropriate.
If you wish to lodge a privacy-related complaint you may contact the OAIC. Generally, the OAIC will require you to give them time to respond before they will investigate. For further information visit www.oaic.gov.au or call the OAIC on 1300 363 992